Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year's Eve!

Hard to believe it's that time again—the time when the year rolls over and I forget and write 2014 on everything for two months. 2015!!! Are you kidding me?!! I remember in high school (way back in 1986 when research papers meant going to three different libraries and we had to wait for Saturday mornings to watch cartoons and email was not a word) we used to imagine what the year 2000 would look like. We'd say, "we'll be 32!!" like that was some crazy age. Now, of course, I'm 46 and 32 seems like a fine age. :)

Ah well, there are definitely good things that come with time passing and aging. For example, I'm doing a lot more creative work than I did back then and am enjoying it so much. And I managed to get published in Paper Crafts Magazine in the last issue ever. I'm sad about it ending, but happy to have made the cut!

I got an email that said I could share the link, so if you want to see my projects, check page 26 and 30. Here's the link to the magazine's last issue. February 2015. If you don't have a subscription, you can preview the issue.

Here are two screen shots of the mag. I'd post my original pics if I'd kept them, but apparently I didn't. 

See? Always keep photos you might need. I'm still learning new things even at the advanced age of's all good!
Happy New Year!


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