Thursday, May 25, 2017

Graduations Galore

I've never had a graduation glut like this's so funny, if I had thought about it, I might have been prepared, but graduation season snuck up on me anyway. 

So today, I have lots of grad cards to share...settle in, you're going to be here awhile. The glitter cap is a decoration from my daughter's graduation last year. I used it to trace and cut out a couple more.

Congrats to my niece, Danielle, graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Congrats to my niece, Allison, graduating from high school, Congrats to my nephew, Sam, high school grad, Congrats to my daughter's boyfriend, Jason, Ohio State grad, Congrats to our family friend, Ryan, high school grad and son of our best man, Rodney. Whew! Enjoy the new adventure and congratulations on your accomplishments.

If you have a "surprise" graduation, here's a couple of free clip art pieces to help you out.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. These are all great! I'm with you, I have a TON of graduations to celebrate this year and need to make cards in bulk! Thanks for the ideas and the clip art, too!

    1. You're welcome, Judy, I'll bet people love getting your grad cards!

  2. I love the variety of ideas for graduation cards, especially the one with the quote!


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