Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ever Have an Electronic-Free Day?

My son lives and breathes his electronics and his parents decided he might need a day off to remember that he can go 24 hours without being plugged in (he did not agree). The husband thought it'd be good if we joined in too...which was fine, except that son decided (on Friday) that Friday would be the day. So I didn't get a post ready and that meant the blogging schedule was thrown off. Ah well...we all survived and I'll post today and then be back Monday, just like normal. 

Here's an idea you might want to try if you have a thousand birthdays in April like our family. Give a toy the card and size it for the toy. I made this Barbie a little birthday card to hold in the box, which is why the photo is less than perfect. All you have to do is stamp or draw cake or a cupcake, color and cut out so that it opens like a card. Piece of cake! Ha! I know you're laughing despite yourself. And any toy can hold a mini card—a teddy bear, Barbie, or an action figure. I'd love to see a card sized for a Lego mini fig to hold! That might have to be created on a computer to make sure it can say "Happy Birthday" but it would be so cute. 

Happy Easter Weekend and I'm off to enjoy the sun!

1 comment:

I love hearing from my crafty friends!