Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cross Your Fingers for Me

I've entered a contest in a lss for a gift certificate and today the customers vote on their favorite project. I forgot to get a picture of mine (!) but we had to use one of these stamps and here's the one I chose.

I'll try to get a pic to post, cuz I made her all Wizard of Oz-y and I love her like my very own children. Ok, I don't love her that much, but she was all kinds of fun to create. And p.s. if you buy one and plan to paper piece the dolls, I highly suggest one that has a bigger midsection. Cutting her top out was so hard! But then, I am scissors-challenged and cannot cut a straight line even with a paper cutter sometimes, so maybe you wouldn't have a bit of trouble.

Here's a doll I'm working on. Not sure what I'll use her for, but I do have a bunch of birthday cards on the schedule. 

This doll we pieced at my favorite lss, The Paper Cottage in Beavercreek. I added a little face cuz I wanted to! I think she's sassy looking and little like Amy Pond, if you're a Dr. Who fan. 

Happy Weekend!


I love hearing from my crafty friends!