Friday, August 8, 2014

Judging A Book By Its Cover

Now, I know the old saying that you should never judge a book by its cover...and I feel that's pretty true as far as people and how they look. However, I almost always do judge actual books by their covers. How about you? 

I saw this cover and loooovved it.

When I looked up the book to find a synopsis, I found this cover. It wasn't as compelling to me as the first.

The second one did make me think of the creepy twins in Stephen King's The Shining, though. While it's a mystery, it's not horror and the first cover represents the antique book shop the main character lives above. Now I have to decide if I want to read it.

I'll probably at least check it out (figuratively and literally from the library) just to see if I like it.

I'm nominating the first cover I showed you as my Book Cover of The Week. If you've read it, let me know if you liked it.

Meanwhile, I'm working on the vacation pics and made this page ahead of time. I like it now, but I really ought to know better and not make a scrap page without pics always gets me into trouble (see this post).

Hope you're enjoying your Friday!


  1. Chark, I agree about the twins thing...that was my first thought when I saw the cover a while back...turned me quite off from even considering the book...That darned movie still haunts me. Ugh!

    1. Thank you for agreeing with me on the twins! And don't get me started on how Stephen King ruined clowns for me.

  2. Google/Blooger flipped out on me, so if you get this twice, blame them LOL

    I love that first cover too -- I think I've seen the second one and wasn't interested. But now seeing your first cover, I'm intrigued.

    I like your page, but I agree -- can't make my pages without the pics :-)

    1. I try to blame everything on google, including the national debt :)


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