Friday, October 9, 2015

Sparky Says Hear The Beep

Where You Sleep. Today is Fire Prevention Day, and October is Fire Prevention Month. As my hubby is a 25-year-veteran firefighter/paramedic--this is a pic of him at work--I thought I'd share this year's theme. 

It's a reminder that every bedroom needs a working smoke detector. Did you know you should test your alarm every month? Announce you're testing and then push and hold that button to make sure each detector works.

And it's important to replace all detectors every ten years, even if they test okay each month. Ten years is the safety limit for detectors. I never knew that. You can check the date on the back of the detector.

Thus ends the safety portion of this blog post.

Gotta share the latest and greatest from Laura Carson at Artfully Musing (see my sidebar.) Her Haunted Village Challenge is still up and her inspiration is uh-maz-ing. Can you even believe she started with just house shapes? I can't. I'm working on transforming my black chipboard but it's not nearly as jaw-dropping. It's still fun, though, and I'll share soon! Meanwhile, enjoy Laura's work!

Gotta go make some haunted houses!
Happy Friday,



  1. Thanks for the heads up on detecters! Cool haunted houses!

    1. if you watch her videos, you'll just be in awe, Karen, these take a lot of work!


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